How to use the amendment editor?
You will learn how to ...
Open the amendment editor
- Provide the URL to an Akoma Ntoso document in argument of the editor URL:
http://[your host]/editor/amendment.html?documentID=[URL to the Akoma Ntoso document]
Create an amendment
- Hover the mouse cursor over the content of the document.
- If an element is amendable, a menu bar appears. It gives the location of the element in the document and has several action links:
- "Amend" to update the element
- "New" to create a new element at that location
- "Delete" to delete the element
1. Update an element
- Click on link "Amend", or double-click on the element content.
- A window opens. It presents 2 areas with the original element content (tab "Original") and the amendment content (tab "Amendment").
- Make changes to the amendment content. You can add, update and delete pieces of text.
- Click on button "Save" to create the amendment.
- The amendment is displayed within the document. The differences between the original and the amendment contents are marked up.
2. Create an element
- Click on link "New".
- A menu opens with the list of element types that Akoma Ntoso schema allows for creation at that location.
- Select:
- in section "Extend current structure", the same type as the one of the current element;
- or in section "Create new", element type "point" or "paragraph".
- A window opens. It presents an area with the amendment content.
- Replace "Type your content here ..." by the actual text content.
- Click on button "Save" to create the amendment.
- The amendment is displayed within the document. The amendment content is marked up as added.
3. Delete an element
- Click on link "Delete".
- A window opens. It presents 2 areas with the original element content (tab "Original") and message "You are deleting this structure." (tab "Amendment").
- Click on button "Save" to create the amendment.
- The amendment is displayed within the document. The original content is marked up as deleted.
Update an amendment
- In the document view of the editor, click on the right margin marker of an amendment.
- The editor jumps to the amendment.
- Click on the update icon, or double-click on the amendment area.
- A window opens. It presents 2 areas with the original element content (tab "Original") and the amendment content (tab "Amendment").
- Then ...
1. Update amendment content
- Make changes to the amendment content. You can add, update and delete pieces of text.
- Click on button "Save" to save your changes.
- The updated amendment is displayed within the document.
2. Update amendment authors
- Click on tab "Author", and type "m" in field "Author".
- A list of persons with a last name that contains the given text string appears.
- Select one person in the list.
- The person is added to the list of authors.
- You can add other persons.
- Click on the "x" button of one person to remove it from the list of authors.
- Click on button "Save" to save your changes.
- The updated amendment is displayed within the document.
3. Update amendment metadata
- Click on tab "Meta", and type a justification and a note.
- Click on button "Save" to save your changes.
- The updated amendment is displayed within the document.
Delete an amendment
- In the document view of the editor, click on the right margin marker of an amendment.
- The editor jumps to the amendment.
- Click on the "x" icon,
- or click on the triangle icon to expand the action menu, and click on menu item "Delete".
- A confirmation window opens.
- Click on button "Delete" to confirm your decision.
- The amendment is removed.
Change the status of an amendment
- In the document view of the editor, click on the right margin marker of an amendment.
- The editor jumps to the amendment.
- Click on the triangle icon to expand the action menu, and click on:
- menu item "Table" if the amendment status is "Candidate" or "Withdrawn",
- or menu item "Withdraw" if the amendment status is "Tabled".
- A confirmation window opens.
- Confirm your decision.
- The amendment status is updated.
Export an amendment
- In the document view of the editor, click on the right margin marker of an amendment.
- The editor jumps to the amendment.
- Click on the triangle icon to expand the action menu, and click on one of the menu items "Export as (XML / HTML / PDF / Word)".
See the list of amendments
- In the document view of the editor, click on the "amendment list view" icon at right side of the 2nd level web page header.
- The list of amendments is displayed.
- There you can:
- Click on links "All", "Candidate", "Tabled" or "Withdrawn" to select relevant amendments, or on link "None" to unselect the amendments.
- Click on the check box of an amendment to select or unselect it.
- Click on button "Table" or "Withdraw" to change the status of selected amendments.
- Click on button "Delete" to delete selected amendments.
- Click on the update icon, or double-click on an amendment to edit it.
- Click on the "x" icon of an amendment to delete it.
- Click on the triangle icon of an amendment to expand the action menu, and click on a menu item to apply the relevant action on it.
- Select a different filter ("All amendments" or "None") in the drop-down menu at right side of the 3rd level web page header.
- Click on the icons at the bottom of the web page to switch to another page of the amendment list.